Nimbello's Pre-processing Rules

Enhancing Accuracy and Efficiency in Your AP Process

Nimbello offers extensive automation features designed to save you time and enhance accuracy in your accounts payable (AP) process. A key component of this automation is the use of "rules" that ensure smooth operations. In this article, we'll focus on Nimbello's "Pre-Processing Rules."

What Are Pre-Processing Rules?
Pre-Processing Rules are applied immediately after Optical Character Recognition (OCR) processing, as soon as an invoice enters your customer portal. These rules are designed to inspect your invoices for specific characteristics and potential issues.

How Do Pre-Processing Rules Work?
When an invoice is uploaded to your customer portal, the Pre-Processing Rules automatically check for any discrepancies or errors. If an issue is detected, the invoice is flagged and moved to the "EA Verification Status." This status signals your Nimbello Admin team to review and correct the invoice before it proceeds through the workflow.


Let's dive in and go over some of these rules in more detail.  Please note, these rules can be customized to meet your specific needs, so the list you use may differ from the one provided here.

Clicking the underlined titles in the "Rule Name" column will take you to a related article which will provide you with more information about that rule.

Rule Name

Standard Message

Hold Rule?


Zero Extended Amount Check Removed the Line with zero extended amount    
Manual Invoice Check Invoice Imported to Manual Status   Requires integration support.
EA Verification Vendor Unknown Check Vendor not Setup Hold  
Division Assignment Invoice Division assigned based on PO   Division Configuration Only
EA Verification Duplicate Invoice Check This invoice has been flagged as a possible duplicate due to the Vendor and Invoice Number being present on a previously processed invoice. Hold  
Vendor Paysite Defaulting Vendor Paysite Defaulted   Paysite Configuration Only
EA Verification Not Received Check Invoice No is NOT RECEIVED or PO No is NOT RECEIVED Hold  
EA Verification No Invoice Number Check No Invoice Number Hold  
EA Verification No Invoice Lines Check PO Invoice imported without line items Hold  
EA Verification Vendor Inactive Check Vendor is Inactive Hold  
Invoice Number Pattern Check For Digits Invoice number inconsistent with previous one Hold  
Invoice Number Pattern Check For Alpha Numeric Current invoice not in same format as previous invoice for same vendor. Hold  
EA Verification DateValidation Check Invoice Date outside of validation range. Hold  
EA Verification Total Error Check Invoice calculated Subtotal and Total Amount different Hold  
EA Verification Math Error Check * Product has Math Error Hold  
EA Verification Total Amount Check Invoice Total Amount is equal to 0 Hold  
Factor Vendor Does Not Match Factor Vendor Does Not Match Hold Requires integration support.
Factor Vendor Not Assigned Factor Vendor Not Assigned Hold Requires integration support.
EA Verification Pairing Hold Check PO Invoice imported without any Part Numbers Hold  
Paysite Hold Check Paysite Hold Hold Paysite Configuration Only
EA Verification Paper Invoice Review Paper Invoice Review. Hold  
Non Po Invoice Import Approval Group not automatically assigned.    
Auto GL Allocation Invoice Was Auto GL Coded for the Allocation Group    
Auto Approve Non Po Invoice Vendor has been set for Auto Approval within amount tolerance.    
Approval Group Auto Assignment Approval Group has been Assigned based on the last 3 invoices. Ready to Approve.    
Vendor Division Auto Approve Non PO Invoice Invoice has been Auto Final Approved based on Vendor Division   Division Configuration Only


Implementing Nimbello's Pre-Processing Rules are just one way that Nimbello helps streamline your AP process. These rule help ensure that errors are caught early and handled promptly by your team. This not only saves time but also maintains the integrity and accuracy of your invoice processing workflow.

If you have any questions about these rules, please feel free to reach out to