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  2. Nimbello Invoice Processing Service

Pairing/Matching Hold Rule: PO Vendor Mismatch

Additional information on the PO vendor mismatch rule.

Rule Overview

This rule automatically checks if the purchase order number and the vendor number listed on the invoice are matched to each other. To validate, both values are checked against the purchase order master file that is regularly updated from the ERP system.

If they do not match, then the rule will hold and direct to the listed direct to user. Also, the standard comment, "PO Vendor is a Mismatch to Invoice Vendor" will be posted to the invoice audit log.

See our article on How do I route PO Invoices?

Note: This rule is rarely disabled since so many other purchase order rules require a valid purchase order to run in Nimbello.

How to Clear This Hold

This hold can be cleared one of two ways:

  1. By clicking the Open Edit\Save button at the top of the invoice details page and entering the correct PO number.
  2. Updating the invoice header details and entering the correct vendor for the invoice by clicking the Change Vendor button.