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  2. Nimbello Invoice Processing Service

Matching Hold Rule: Extended Amount Variance

Additional information on the extended amount variance rule.

Rule Overview

This rule is very similar to the price variance rule but has an important distinction. The extended amount variance rule is a calculated amount and not a direct comparison. The extended amount value is taken by the invoice billed quantity multiplied by the PO unit price to get what the extended amount should be. That is then compared to the actual invoice extended amount to see if it is within tolerance. If the rule holds, then the invoice will be directed to the assigned directed to user.

See our article on How do I route PO Invoices?

How to Clear This Hold

Like all pricing variance rule holds, it can be overwritten by clicking the Override Hold button in the Materials / Services Invoiced area of the invoice details page to accept the price variance.

Alternatively, the invoice can be rejected. This can be done from the invoice detail page in the communication area. Click on the Vendor Error button to start the vendor invoice rejection process.