Using Vendor Processing Notes Report to see what notes are being used for certain vendors
This article is made for 4.0 Portals and may not work on older versions of the Nimbello portal.
The Vendor Processing Notes report can be used to see what notes have been set up for certain vendors to help processors get all the correct information on an invoice.
To get to this page, hover over reports and select 'Vendor Processing Notes' as shown below
That will bring you to this page. From here you can enter what month and year in which you would like to see what notes were being used. Keep in mind most vendors will not require notes so there may not be any for the vendor you are searching.
After selecting the Month and Year you would like, you can enter either Vendor Number or Invoice Number. Vendor Number will show you the notes used for every invoice that month, below you can see the note changed halfway through the month. If you want to be more specific, and think a certain invoice was processed with notes, you can search for just that invoice number as well.