How to set a vendor as "Priority"

Setting a vendor as "Priority" from the Vendor Setup Page in Nimbello

If you have a vendor that you want to keep an eye on, it may be wise to mark it as "priority" in Nimbello for long term monitoring.  Doing so will make ensure every invoice that is assigned under that vendor will populate in your "Priority Vendor Invoices" queue.  This article will serve as a short tutorial for setting this up, and may be a useful training tool for you and your colleagues.

The "Priority Vendor Invoices" is on your home page as shown below.

Priority Vendors



To add a new vendor to this list, go to Setup, and then Vendor Setup Vendor Setup

Search and select the vendor you would like to update, and then check the box next to "Priority Vendor" and then scroll down and click "Save Vendor"

Vendor Setup 2

Note: Unchecking the "priority vendor" box will stop the system from adding any future invoices to the list.