How to set a user as "On Vacation"

How to set yourself or another user as "On Vacation"

The Vacation status is used when a user will be taking time off and they need to be skipped in one of their queues.  Every user has the ability to set themselves to "On Vacation". While only certain security groups have the ability to set others users to "On Vacation".


How to set yourself to "On Vacation" :

First, hover over "Set Up" and then "Security". Then select "User Preferences" 

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This will bring you to the User Preferences page. On the right side there is the Check box to set yourself as "On Vacation". Once selected all you need to do is hit save and you are done!

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To set other people on vacation is a little different, and you need to have more advanced securities to do so. 

First, hover over "Set Up" and select "User SetUp"vacation 3

This will bring you to the "Search Users" screen. From here find the User you need to put on vacation and click the view button under details on the far right.

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Once you click that you will be brought to the "User Setup" page. From here all you need to do is check mark the "Vacation" box and click save at the bottom of the screen!

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