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How to Change an Invoice's Status

This will demonstrate how to use the Status Change feature in the portal.

An example of when you would need to use the Status change feature is if you need to move an invoice out of "archive" status or if you need to move an invoice to "Manual" status. 

To get to the Status Changes page, hover over the Transactions drop down and click "Status Changes" as shown below.

Status Change 1


Once on this page shown below, search for the invoice you would like to change the status of. In this example I searched using the Invoice number for an invoice in "archived" status, that I would like to change to "Hold PO" status.

Status Change 3

To Change this all you need to do is click the drop down for change status in the row where your invoice popped up and select the status you want to change it to, in this case I will be selecting "Hold PO". Once you have the status you want selected you click the Change Status button circled below, this will change the invoice to your desired status!

Status Change 4