The Alpha Directed To table allows vendors to be assigned to specific users with the buyer security based on the first letter or number in the vendor's name.
AP Admin and Super Users can navigate to the Alpha Directed To Table by mousing over Set Up in the ribbon at the top of any page. Select Client Info to move on to the Client Info page. From there, the Alpha Directed To Table can be accessed by clicking on the Alpha Directed To button as shown below.
Adding/Editing the Alpha Directed To Table
To add a user to the Alpha Directed To Table, the user must be assigned the Buyer, AP Admin, or Super User security from their user profile. Find the letter or number, click edit, and select a user to handle vendors that start with that character. Clicking Update will save your changes.
Note: The Alpha Direct To table must be set up by Nimbello to work with specific purchase order rules before any updates to this table will take affect. Contact Nimbello support if this needs to be set up.