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How do I create a new User?

In this article we will describe how to create a new user and edit current users.

User creation can be easy! First you want to log into the site and navigate to the Setup Tab, hover over it and choose “User Setup” To note, only users with the correct security profile can create new users.




Once there you want to click on Create New User.


Next you will be shown this screen. This is where you will enter user data on the new account.


  1. You want to add login first, the usual standard is first initial, last name ex. John Smith is JSmith
  2. Next is their email address. "JSmith@Client.com"
  3. First name "John"
  4. Last name "Smith"
  5. Lastly, you'll want to give them the appropriate security for their profile. The profile has to have at least one selected.
  6. Some clients will use SSO to sign into their accounts, if that is true you will need to fill out the SSO Identity field. This can vary by client based on your company's SSO set up.

The steps highlighted above are the general requirements for a user account.


If a user will be part of a limited Approval Group type, they will also require a Max limit to be set. This max limit is the highest dollar amount they will be required to approve in all of their groups. Ex, John is in three limited groups with one at $10, another at $100 and the last group at $1000. You would want to set Johns max limit to $1000 so he has access to be placed in that approval group.

The Vacation checkbox marks an account as on vacation and they would be skipped if they are in an approval group unless they are the final approver, at that point it will point towards an AP Admin to decide what to do with that invoice.


Once complete hit Save and you’re done! You can always edit security profiles and data fields if needed at a later time.