Customizable Reports with Nimbello

An example using the User Setup page with Excel to generate useful reports to suit your needs

There is a little-known feature within Nimbello that I want to highlight in this article.  You can create custom reports that provide useful insights to cater to a wide variety of needs. Within Nimbello, a wealth of data awaits your exploration; all that's required is the know-how to harness it effectively. 

In this article, I'm going to make a report using data from the user search.  There are a lot of reasons you may need to do this sort of thing, but for this example I'm going to show you how to use Excel to isolate the data and make a new custom report showing all of the active vendor profiles that exist in the website which can answer the question "How many of our vendors are currently active in Nimbello, and are there any old vendors that no longer log in?". 

Although this specific report may not align with your immediate needs, this tutorial aims to equip you with the knowledge needed to craft similar reports that serve your business objectives effectively. You can use this process using other data, such as from the Easy Page or Invoice Search page, or anywhere else you see the button "Excel Export". Let's dive in.


1. Log into Nimbello and navigate to Set Up > User SetUp, and check the box for "Include Vendors" and click Search to populate a long list of users.

2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Excel Export.  We'll be working in Excel from here on.

3.  Click the select all button and then double-click in between two columns to expand

 4.  Sort by "Profile" by clicking the arrow circled in pink below. (In my example it's column F) then click "Sort Z to A" and "OK".  I decided on Z to A because the profile I want to view is called "Vendor", which is towards Z.  

5.  Next, scroll down and skim the rest of the profiles to make sure there's nothing there you want to keep, highlight all rows that are not vendors, and then right click one of the row numbers on the left and click "Delete"

6.  The last thing you need to do is sort by the column for "last login" in a similar way that we did earlier with the profile column.


This report will show you exactly what vendors are using Nimbello.  I hope that you have found this tutorial useful.  Now that you've seen how it's done, get creative and come up with your own report ideas that suit your needs.

If you have any questions or comments about this article please reach out to, we'd love to hear your feedback.