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How to Safely Edit Invoices in End Statuses

Editing an invoice that already exported risks causing inaccuracies. Here's how to handle it.

End Statuses

In Nimbello, invoices in "end statuses" such as Ready To Export (RTE), Awaiting Confirmation, Posted, and Paid should not be touched because they either already exported, or they're about to export to your ERP system. However, if you really need to modify invoice details, this tutorial is for you.  Editing an invoice in one of these statuses could unintentionally lead to the invoice reentering the workflow which could lead to multiple exports and duplicate entries in your ERP.  For instance, if you click "Save" after an RTE invoice has exported (meaning for a moment it was in Awaiting Confirmation status), the system could revert the invoice back to RTE, enabling it to export again and creating a duplicate in your ERP.

Here's an example of the "notes and actions log" showing what can happen if you update an invoice in RTE status even just seconds after it exports, causing a second export of the invoice:


Recommended Method to safely edit RTE Invoices

If an RTE invoice requires changes, follow these steps to prevent duplicate exports:

  1. Change Status to Verification: Before editing, manually set the invoice status to "Verification." This status prevents the invoice from exporting while you make your changes. For a brief tutorial for changing the invoice status, see How to Change an Invoice's Status

  2. Check the notes log: Occasionally, you may find that an RTE invoice has already exported just before you changed its status to Verification. To avoid this, make sure to review the notes log.  If you see that the invoice exported right before you set it to "Verification," it is too late to make edits directly in Nimbello.  In this case, you should proceed to the next section and treat it as described for other end statuses
  3. Make Your Changes and Save: Edit the invoice details as needed while in "Verification" status, then click "Save." After saving, the invoice should automatically return to RTE status, keeping it ready for the next export without risking duplicate entries.

Other End statuses

If the invoice has already exported and is in another end status such as Awaiting Confirmation, Posted, or Paid, follow these steps and make sure you make the same changes in Nimbello as you do in your ERP to maintain accurate records.

  1. Change Status to Manual: In Nimbello, Change the invoice status to "Manual" and make the necessary edits.  For a brief tutorial for changing the invoice status, see How to Change an Invoice's Status
  2. Leave a Comment: For auditing purposes, write a comment in the notes section explaining why you had to change the status to Manual
  3. Edit the invoice in your system: Make the same changes to the invoice in your ERP to reflect the changes you've made on the Nimbello copy