Pre-Processing Rule: EA Verification Duplicate Invoice Check

Nimbello Automation helps identify duplicate invoices to help ensure accuracy by avoiding double-payments

Preprocessing rules run as soon as an invoice hits your company portal.  The Preprocessing rule that checks for Duplicate Invoices will either auto-archive the invoice as a 5-point-duplicate, or place potential duplicates in EA Verification status for Nimbello Admins to review. 

If, upon review, Nimbello admins believe it is a "True Duplicate" (meaning it has the same vendor number, invoice number, PO number, invoice date, and total) they will send them to Archived status.  If the invoice is not a true duplicate (for example, if the invoice has the same vendor, invoice number, and total, but a different date) then it will get placed into Verification status for your team to review.  In this case, usually our Nimbello admins will leave a comment stating why you need to review the invoice.


Save Time By Auto-Archiving Duplicate Invoices

What Is EA Verification Status?

What is Verification Status?

For the full list of Preprocessing rules, click here