Adding New Divisions

A Guide to Creating New Divisions and Assigning Them to Users and Approval Groups

Creating new divisions allows you to organize your company's operations effectively. Divisions help segregate workflows and data access, ensuring that each part of your organization functions smoothly within its designated scope. By assigning users to relevant divisions, you ensure that they only have access to their division's invoices without compromising sensitive data or cluttering their view with items that are not relevant to them. This tutorial will assist you in creating new Divisions, granting Users access to those new Divisions, and creating Approval Groups for those new Divisions to help keep your process organized and efficient.

Please note that this tutorial specifically applies to the 4.0 Nimbello portal, so if you're on an older portal the steps will be similar but the website will look a little different.

Adding a New Division:

To add a new division, navigate to the Client Info page (Set Up>Client Info) and open the Division SetUp tab.

1) In the Division SetUp tab, click the “Add” header on the leftward table:

2) Enter a Division Name and a Division Code. Check the “Active” box and then click “Update”:

3) If this worked correctly, the Division should have appeared in the noted sections below:

Giving User Access to Division:

After a division has been added, you may wish to give certain Users access to that division. To do this, find their User profile by searching for them in the User SetUp page (Set Up>User SetUp). After opening their profile, do the following:

1) Select the desired division in the “Available Divisions” box. The click the right-arrow to the right of that box:

2) That division should have moved to the “Selected Divisions” box. If it has, click “Save.”

The User should now have access to this division.

Adding Division to Approval Group:

You may wish to add a new Approval Group, designated for invoices belonging to the division you just added. To do so, navigate to the Non PO Approval Setup page (Set Up>Non PO Approval Setup). Then open the NonPo Approval SetUp Tab:

Near the top of the page, there should be a section like the below screenshot. To add the Approval Group, first add the following information:

  • Select “Limited” or “Ordered” as the Approval Group Type, depending on how you want the Approval chain to work.
  • Enter a name for the Approval Group in the “Approval Group” field.
  • Finally, select the Division you added.
  • If you wish, you can also add an Approval Group description, but that is not necessary.

After adding that information, click “Add Approval Group”:

The Approval Group should now be available in the "Approval Group Users" section, and should be available for you to add Users who have access to this division: